
October 20, 2009 § 2 Comments

Today, dear readers, is a wonderful day.  Do you know why?  Have no fear if you do not!  Of course I will tell you and with as much unnecessary verbiage as possible.  I am going over Danny’s house tonight!  Yay!!  I promise this won’t turn into a blog wherein I discuss my relationship to the most minute detail, but I have to allow myself a moment of smiling.  I like to see Danny.  He makes me happy.  I am sharing this with you.  (My spell check is informing me that “most minute” is grammatically incorrect and it should be “minutest” but that just looks odd.)  

Speaking of smiles (was I? Ah yes, I was.), I saw Couples Retreat last night with my friend Mike and it was funny.  I recommend it to anyone who enjoys that brand of Vince “I’m Talking Really Fast But It’s Super Funny Because Even Though I’m Rambling About Something Serious You Have To Laugh By The Time I Get Done Because The Scenario I’ve Created Is So Completely Random Outrageous Impossible And Yet Slightly True” Vaughn humor.  Normally, that isn’t my cup of tea (INSERT – Nothing is my cup of tea.  I actually dislike tea.  I think this is the worst analogy in the world.  Is it an analogy?  Do I have to check types of speech in my blog?  Is that a blogging rule?  Tea is okay when I have a sore throat but only with a lot of honey.  And the kind that comes in the bear-shaped container.  That little bear is so cute, holding all the honey in his tummy.  You guys know what I’m talking about, right?) because my movie style is more decadent ballrooms where a man in tails and cuff links waltzes me in little circles as my emerald green chiffon gown gracefully sweeps the floor.  We clasp each other closer and our eyes communicate until he gently and unobtrusively glides us off the parquet floor, through the French doors, and into darkened corners of the balcony where he will steal a kiss or two and compare my eyes to some kind of exotic hothouse flower.  Swoon.….

Sorry, I swooned because my corset was a little too tight.  As I was saying, Couples Retreat was so beautiful, I actually went and looked up where it filmed: mostly in Bora Bora.  I now know where Danny and I will be heading if we ever come to the sad state where we must seek counseling to repair the crumbling fortress that once was our love.  (Hmmm, there was that day we argued about fiscal responsibility… And that time I made fun of his male pattern baldness… And where does he get that nerve, telling me to make him a sandwich in that superior tone??)  The movie also had a few good moments stuck somewhere in the middle of a creepy steward named Ctanley and an amorous yoga instructor’s Speedos.  Such as, don’t go looking for trouble in your relationship.  Being in love has as much to do with merely being at peace as it does with keeping the peace.  Also, a snow room in a spa is a bad idea.  Who goes to a snow room in a spa??  Spas are for relaxation, not shivering. Who designed such a thing?  Who thought, yes!  Snow!  At a place where most people are wearing only fuzzy terrycloth robes and bath sandals and avocados on their eyelids!  Snow! 

Well, I am off to Rodano’s to pick up my cheese steak.  Blogging on my lunch break makes me hungry!  Actually, I’m always hungry.  I hope Danny has wonderful plans for dinner tonight!!!   I’ll let you know.

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§ 2 Responses to TeaTime

  • Matt Giambra says:

    a few things…
    1) Woah
    2) I had to look up the word “parquet”
    3) I should have used context clues
    4) Walt Disney was not your creator
    5) Tea is delicious

    and finally

    6) you make Danny a sandwich when he asks. it will be better for you in the long run 😉 (i just made that part up)

  • Matt says:

    i made comments here earlier but they never came up

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